The Other Nefertiti
2015, digital object + artistic intervention + 3D print + video
This project was developed and implemented in collaboration with the artist Nora Al-Badri.
nefertitihack, 2015, doc video
public accesses
You can find the 3D model here and download it, study, or remix it. The 3d data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
.obj file [≠20MB]
> direct download
.stl file as a torrent
> torrent download
„Artists ‘steal’ Queen Nefertiti bust by secretly scanning and releasing 3D printing data online. The scanning was an act of protest against Western museums taking artifacts from abroad and claiming them as their own.“
The Independent
The Other Nefertiti, photograph of 3D Print
The Other Nefertiti, .gif (3D render) infinite loop